Become a Member of The Archway Theatre
Best membership for: Volunteering & discounted tickets
- Annual brochure of productions
- Discounted tickets (@ £11.50 each)
- 10 Newsletters per year with details of forthcoming productions and other events
- Become part of the Archway volunteer network to support us in the Box Office, Bar, Front of House or serving Coffee.
Best membership for: Performing & working backstage
- Archways newsletter with audition details and play reviews
- Attendance at Club Night for post-production discussion
- Can perform in, work backstage, and be involved in production
Best membership for: Supporting our theatre!
- Complimentary program for each production
- Potential Discounts for Studio Productions or access to bespoke events, for example 'reheased readings', or theatre workshops
- Free access to Archway digital content, past production recordings etc - more to be added from the archive and new productions
Youth Memberships
Junior Associate
Aged 16-18
- Annual brochure of productions
- Discounted tickets (@ £11.50 each)
- 10 Newsletters per year with details of forthcoming productions and other events
- Access to Young Adults fortnightly workshops in term time
- Can perform in productions
Young Patron
Aged 18-22 in full time education
- Can perform in, work backstage, and be involved in production