A thriving theatre in the heart of Horley.
Much Ado About Nothing

An Archway Theatre production. Written by William Shakespeare. Directed by Elodie Foray.

Performed in the Main House.

“Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps.”

The war is over, and everyone is full of giddy relief!

The winning army returns in triumph to Messina, to the gossipy confines of a leisured household, ready to rub shoulders with the locals and celebrate their victories.

Everyone is content, until a malicious plot is contrived to destroy love and publicly shame an innocent girl.

At the same time, Beatrice and Benedick both vehemently denounce love, so naturally, their friends plot to make them fall for each other.

Much Ado About Nothing is a Shakespeare classic, and for good reason!

It has a huge range of emotions; from laugh out loud funny, witty back-and-forths, anger, romance, despair and heartbreak.

There are crossed wires, hidden identities, and hidden feelings. It is a fascinating look at love, status, gender, friendship, and marriage.

This production promises to be colourful, full of life and unapologetically queer!

So, come with an open mind, and an open heart…and prepare to be delighted!”

Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.
Photo by Noelle Vaughn. Used with permission.